
View all node function

From the blueprint widget editor, it is not possible to have all the nodes in the palette, you would need another palette to be able to browse all the blueprint functions.

Maybe with the possibility to see the nodes available for the targeted blueprint class.

For example the nodes under Editor SubSystem are missing.

Get context node from selection in palette window

Allow to display the nodes in the palette in the context of the input output selector , and to browse them in the palette in addition to the menu context.

Brush Actor acces for spawn and function

At the moment it is not possible to create brush geometry with blueprint, this is a pity because you could create complex objects without using pocedural mesh.

Make Static mesh from procedural mesh

It lacks the possibility to create a static mesh from the procedural mesh without going through the detail tab, you have to be able to use a function to create automations.

Show only class function and event ( and from parent )

To allow to see all the functions and events from a palette for a class blueprint, and to be able to classify the parent and child functions.

Dependencies of blueprint

See all the dependencies of a blueprint directly in the blueprint editor and be able to go up the functions of the various classes.

Blueprint macro and function option ( editor only )

Add an option to compartmentalize functions and macros in the editor domain.

Custom hit result ( vertex ) and paint vertex.

Add an option for the sphere trace result which allows to know the vertex(s) to touch, which could allow to paint with the blueprint the vertex(s).

Then, add a function that allows to paint vertex directly from the blueprint to create automations.