Editor Blueprint

World viewport mouse information

I noticed that this node exists with the landmass plugin, but this option should be basic.

It should allow to know the cursor position on the viewport (for the moment it works only in PIE), and also to know the fov of the camera, which would allow us to make a line trace with a blueprint editor.

Or directly a function that would allow us to project a line trace from viewport into the editor directly without being in PIE mode.

Lock Key input for viewport ( or capture )

As above, we should add the possibility to capture the keyboard and mouse event while editing in the viewport, this could allow the addition of world editing function directly with the blueprint widget editor.

Preview viewport

I've done a lot of testing, but for the moment it's impossible to create a preview viewport like in the material editor, blueprint or the static mesh editor.

This option could allow the edition of new tools directly with the blueprint.

Ok, it's possible to do it with the world, that's what I'm currently doing, but it can create conflicts with object in the world.

Editor widget blueprint window icon

To make a real tool, it would be nice to be able to add an icon to the blueprint editor widget window.

Get asset preview icon

Get a preview of assets such as staticmesh from the blueprint.

Get in world PIE actor from in editor world

The launch of the world in PIE creates assets in the pending world, which does not allow to keep the reference of an object from one to another.

Add an option which would make it possible to find the instance created for the PIE (Game world).

Asset Factory

It is impossible to have access to the asset factory with the "Create Asset" function, and this poses problems to create functional assets (I arrive with the class object).

We should also be able to create our own blueprint factory directly.

Multi-instance ( editor widget blueprint )

It is necessary to add an option that could allow to create more instances of the same blueprint widget editor.