
Level loading , save and compilation

With version 4.23, when I want to load a level, the editor starts by changing and creating the derived data cache before asking me if I want to save my current level and asset.

As all this can become very long, I am going to do something else, but the compilation of shaders does not start trying that I am not clicking on save or not.

So the save request must be first before even loading the level or whatever it is to leave free the work of the editor without interruption until the end.

Making All derived data cache of projet

I saw that there is normally an option to do this, but it doesn't work at all.

On somewhat old computers, creating the cache can take several hours, so it would be nice to be able to do it overnight.

In addition, we must be able to load everything before working on a project, because this can create a lot of interruption in the work flow when the assets are not created in the derived data cache.

Shared Derived data cache

I do not know how to store the derived data cache, but it can take a lot of space on the hard drive, and above all it is VERY LONG.

If projects have strictly similar configuration, the editor should be able to take the caches already created without recompiling them.

Shape , Geometrie trigger link

I worked on cryengine 2 for a long time, and there was a different work flow for the trigger zones, we had to create a collision zone, then we link it with a trigger that will affect it.

We could transpose this to unreal engine to improve and increase the capacities and precision in the editor.

We could create a collision from a mesh, geometry brush or procedural mesh, then just link it with a blueprint so that it could bind the begin overlapp and end overlapp.

All this is not too complicated to set up in blueprint, but I think it should be basic in the editor, especially with the components to which we do not have access in blueprint.

Below I show you the example in cryengine 2 for the link between an effect and a shape.

Shape would also be a practical option, in cryengine it was simply a multipoint spline without curve, and I imagine there was a simple triangulation to create a mesh for the overlapp.

I made an example in this genre, but I use a test on a concave polygon to find out if a point is inside or outside of it, but it lacks precision.

Cave voxel

On cryengine 2, it was possible to create and modify a field voxel zone, which was very practical for creating a cellar.

Tool rather simple to use and I believe can be expensive in performance.

Lightshaft on point light ( UDK )

Re-find the light shaft option which was under UDK.

Histogram info in blueprint

I would like to have the data of the histogram which allows auto exposure, that could allow corrections of texture, render target or material with this kind of data in the blueprint to control a material.

Prefab c++ Function ( Copy past from text data )

There is a function c ++ in unreal engine which was also planned to create a prefab system which functions, it is simply the copy paste which uses a safeguard in the clipboard in the form of a text.

The advantage of this function is that recreate the targets in the blueprint and put everything back correctly in the world.

It is a pity that there is no prefabricated system to integrate in unreal engine, that would add great functionality to the editor, and especially that it would be simple to set up because this function already exists.

I created an external software which uses the clipboard to create prefabs, the concern is that unreal engine does not validate the clipboard at the start, but by clicking frantically on a component of an actor in the world , it ends up working correctly, I put the link below if you want to test this.

Niagara out collision event to blueprint

This function exists in the cascade tool, but niagara is much more efficient for large-scale physical simulations.

I would like niagara to create a collision event that I could collect in a blueprint and then process the information to manage large-scale simulations.

For example shader bit to create are simulation tool with instanced static mesh, but we could use niagara instead to create this kind of simulation with collision by CPU see by GPU in depth test.

For example or could paint render targets directly to create river simulations without the use of physical objects which are much more costly in terms of resources than Niagara.

Create Vector Field

?? I looked at how a vector field .fga file is coded, it's extremely simple that we could have access with the blueprint, see creating them directly in unreal engine with a blueprint (it's simple vector table of management ).

Add the possibility to create and modify asset vector fields by blueprint in the editor.

We could create simulations with physical objects, or with niagara to create vector fields, which could allow us to create a simulation bake.

Also in the official unreal engine documentation it says that you can create a vector field in the editor with textures, but I can't find anything to do that.

Create new asset , with search input

This option exists for the blueprint, but as it starts to have a lot of different types of assets with the latest version of unreal engine, it would be necessary to have an asset type search in the context menu of asset creation, this improves the general work flow.

Bp search example

Virtual camera for android

Have the virtual camera for android, or at least that we can recover the data from the accelerometer and gyroscope in real time

Unlock more c++ function to blueprint

Unlock more C++ function to the blueprint, especially for the editor.

Snap to object ( trace test )

In the viewport world, there should be an option for the cursor tests to use a line trace test on object or landscape.

There was this option in cryengine 2, and it's very convenient.