Shader , Material

Input , output type

Display live the type of input or output of nodes in the material editor, it may happen that this is a bit fuzzy.

Input , output function

In the functions, the inputs and outputs are in a totally fuzzy order system, why not do as in the macro blueprint editor?

Get world position in Virtual texture Sample

Virtual texture can dispense with DistanceFieldNearSurface using the world position.

For example, I created a material for the landscape, it is sent in a virtual texture.

Then I use a rock mesh with a material which uses the Virtual texture sample to make a blend with the terrain.

For the moment I use the DistanceFieldNearSurface to know the intersection between the ground and the rock, but all the hollows of the rock are also marked in the mask.

If I could have the worldposition of the ground (precise), I could compare with the world position of my object to create a mask of intersection only between the landscape and the mesh of the rock, which could allow to make a simple blend and reduce the cost of shaders to do this technique.

I know that for the moment virtual texture is in Beta for the moment, but one could imagine quite simply obtaining a sample only of the ground without passing by the virtual texture, even if I imagine that in the future one will use virtual texture more often than simple texturing.

My function is poor detail (4.23)